My Core Values and Beliefs
Love: to me is warmth, affection, and devotion; openness of mind; compassion; kindness and passion for life. It is looking for hidden depths and value and the acceptance of others for their differences.
Happiness: to me is a heart filled with joy and inner peace, sending out a positivity that is excellent for health, inner harmony, and balance. For me this enhance integrity and inspire leadership. Happiness is the main influence on success. Being an island is very lonely. Having great people around me is making my dream reality. The more I shine within, live my life’s purpose, and remain true to myself, the more I can share, influence, and inspire others through my personal experience.
Openness: to me is very important to being comfortable in my own skin: learning to listening not making any assumptions and communicate with
others as clearly as I can to avoid misunderstanding, sadness, and drama asking questions to express what I really want, and the openness to developing the confidence to explore.
Peace: honesty and harmony in relationships and the freedom simply to “be”.
Optimism: a positive outlook in life. “I can only do my best”, striving never to become a victim, moving forward with an open mind, and learning through life never ending changes. I love reading books and studying self-development, exploring wellbeing retreats and being in the big out doors with nature.
Thank you for your time to read my life’s purpose. I very much look forward to continuing my life journey and it would be my privilege to share with you.